The slides of the AVS User Day 2006 STM3 tutorial [PDF].
The growing list of examples under the CSCSlib/stm4-examples directory.
The original paper published in
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Vol. 220 (2005) Issue 5-6 Pages 585-588
(PDF from the publisher: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München).
Tutorials delivered
Introduction for the Prof. Oganov group (ETH Zürich) October 12, 2006
Workshop at CRS4 (Cagliari — Italy) October 17, 2006
Workshop at the AVS User Meeting (ETH Zürich) December 7, 2006
Workshop DN-NSM 2011 “Discovery of novel nanoparticles, surfaces and bulk materials: evolutionary structure prediction using the USPEX code” workshop in Poitiers (France)