Readers Writers | Readers and writer for various, static and dynamic, chemical file formats plus movies and images production. |
Bonds | Bonds computation, editing and management. |
Modules | Modules that compute derived structures. |
Selection | Selector modules to extract a subset of the atoms. |
Trajectories | Modules related to dynamic data. |
Crystallography | Unit cells, periodic lattices and symmetries support. |
Volume | Rendering of volumetric data like Gaussian cubes. |
Display | Rendering of chemical structures and other graphical objects. |
Probe and Measure | Interact with the structures: measure and editing. |
Full Apps | Ready to run applications (plus display of the STM4 version). |
Experimental | Modules not intended for general usage. |
| Modules for analyzing USPEX output. |
| Modules to align structures given two sets of corresponding atoms. |
Dataypes | Definition of data types used by the STM4 library. |
Read Structure | Read structural and volumetric chemical data. |
Read Structure No Bonds | Read a structure from file without computing bonds. |
Read Scalar | Read a set of scalar values from a file. |
Read Vector | Read a set of 3D vector values from a file. |
Make Movie | Capture a sequence of frames, one for each different viewer content, and assemble them in a movie (AVI or MPEG). |
Output Image | Save a snapshot of the content of the current viewer. |
Write Structure | Write a single structure or a trajectory to a chemistry data file in the selected format. |
Write POV Ray | Write the current view as a POV-Ray raytracer scene. |
Read Fermi Surface | Read a file in EIGENVAL format and output a volume that,
using Isosurface or Isosurface nest,
display the Fermi surfaces at a given energy level. |
Read Fermi Bands | Read a file in EIGENVAL format and output for all bands their energy along a given polyline. |
Write Summary | Write a summary of the series of structures given as input. |
Replicate Lattice | Replicate the structure unit cell along the three base vectors. |
Apply Symmetries | Compute new atoms positions from the space group of the input molecule. |
Shift Unit Cell | Shift the unit cell to re-center periodic phenomena that are split between the opposite sides of the cell. |
Enlarge Unit Cell | Add atoms outside the unit cell by different criteria. |
Move Structure | Translate and rotate a given structure modifying all the atoms coordinates. |
Crop Structure | Crop a structure and the optional volume data inside a given geometry. |
Crop From Plane | Remove atoms that dist more than a given value from a plane. |
Miller Plane | Crop the atoms using the plane identified by given Miller indices. |
Draw Polyhedra | Display a convex polyhedron around selected atoms. |
Draw Simple Polyhedra | Display a convex polyhedron around selected atoms using a different setup. |
X Ray Structure Factor | Compute and display simplified X-Ray structure factors. |
Remove Border Atoms | Remove atoms that bonds with atoms outside the unit cell. |
Merge Unit Cell | Apply the unit cell of one structure to another one. |
Find Symmetries | Find symmetries in the input structure and simplify it. |
Draw Structure | Transform the molecule structure data into graphic objects for display. |
Draw Sw Structure | Transform the molecule structure data into graphic objects for display using a software render method. |
Info Sets Editor | Manage, edit, create and destroy Info Sets. |
Display Unit Cell | Displays the borders of the unit cell. |
Set Rendering Mode | Set the rendering mode on an atom by atom base. |
Axis Glyph | Display three arrows to mark the origin and the XYZ axis directions, or the unit cell abc vectors. The glyph could also be offset
from the origin. |
Background Fade | Provide a colored backdrop for which you can set the four corners colors. |
Logo | Create a logo image to be added to a viewer. The image is locked in the viewer and is not transformed by standard mouse actions. |
Enclosing Ellipsoid | Compute an ellipsoid that encloses the given set of atoms. |
Time Legend | Display a progress bar to show the current timestep / current time for an animated molecule trajectory. |
Color Legend | Display a legend for the structure representation colors. |
Discrete Legend | Color legend for integer values in an user specified range. |
Smooth Tube | Create a tube that connect all the given points. |
Error Tube | Create a tube with a radius proportional to the values associated to the connected points. |
Structure Info | Show count of the number of atoms present in the input structure. |
MolDisplayApp | Read and display a molecule. |
CrystalDisplayApp | Read and display structures with symmetries and unit cell replication. |
VolumeDisplayApp | Read and display a structure that has volumetric data associated. |
PickDisplayApp | Read and display a structure and enable picking to measure it. |
TracesDisplayApp | Read and display atom traces during a trajectory visualization. |
TracesDisplaySwApp | Read and display atom traces during a trajectory visualization (using sw rendering). |
PickUnitCellApp | Redefine the molecule unit cell by corner picking and crops the structure inside the new unit cell. |
FermiSurfacesApp | This is a full application ready for use to display Fermi surfaces computed at a given Fermi energy. |
FermiBandsApp | This is a full application ready for use to display energy for Fermi along a given polyline. |