New (possible) representations for chemistry
- Isolate important transitions in a trajectory
- Mark cavities, cavities dimension (eg. size compared to water molecule)
- Surface patches colored based on topography
- Surface flexibility from an ensemble of surfaces, then the value is mapped on one of them called the reference surface
- Water molecules colored differently depending on distance
- Morphing between representations
- The negative gradient of the electric potential to show where a ligand will be attracted
- Semantic LOD: more details on interesting spot
- Change rendering along a trajectory
- Mean hydration around the molecule
- Color according to the position along the sequence or distance from a certain point
- Color by B-factor (temperature factor). Or better show uncertainly as represented by this factor
- Crystal surfaces
- Supramolecular structures
- Show clashes between atoms due to uncertainly (B-factor)
- Show interaction between two molecular surfaces
- Other kind of data possible? Like multiscale volume data (pyramids)